
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Trusting God with your Lifestyle

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised… But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.”
Heb. 10:35-36,39

A common misconception with the Christian Walk is that it is as easy as it looks. Often as Christians we look at the lives of people who aren’t living for God and compare their season with our current struggle. And more often than not when we do so, our lives seem to be getting the short end of the stick. We give our lives over to God and live according to his statues only to face trial after trial and suffering after suffering.

First and foremost, the root of comparison is pride. We believe that we are not getting what we deserve and that our hard work is going unrewarded. But what do we deserve? Truly the Bible states that the wages of sin is death but that eternal life is a gift from God. That being said, we don’t deserve any gift from God but death. Yet and still he is gracious enough to grant us life in spite of our constant tendency to value the things of this world over the things of God.

Second, and perhaps most importantly, we are forgetting God’s word. While some of the suffering we go through we put on ourselves (a fact that should never be overlooked), the Bible states that we must know Christ in the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings (Philippians 3:10). What does that mean? It means that we get closer to God and understand the character and power of God to bring us out of hopeless situations by walking through trials that seem hopeless. Many times in our lives trials are just a means of bringing us closer to God and helps us develop an understanding of who he truly is and what he wants to be to us.

God wants to be the love of your life, your source of happiness, and the reason that you live. He wants to be your first thought in the morning and the reason that you break out in constant song. Most importantly, God wants to be your friend. Many times we blindly let things fill in the places where God belongs and when that happens he is gracious enough to remove them. As he peels the scales off of our eyes, we experience immense amounts of pain as our eyes try to open up to the new brightness of his light. But God does this so that we can truly be fulfilled and experience a newness in him. And know that as you continue along the path of righteousness, God has promised to honor your trust in him.


Militankerous said...

This is a really awesome D. You know sometimes how you just wanna make God align His Time with your calendar. Psalms 46 really was a right now Word for me homie. Good looks again.

ypsiknitti said...

Amen, brother!
Honestly, I don't want some one else's test or their testimony. I know that there is more to their life than what I see so... I'll stick to my life and trust God.

Unknown said...

keep it comin' daniel. personally, i think trusting God is something i'll never stop learning how to do