“Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” Tim. 6:12
Many times in the modern world, we find ourselves getting complacent with the way things have always been. With our job, our lifestyles, families, and situations we start to change our expectations to what is deemed “realistic”. After striving to make things change and turn situations into what we know they should be, we essentially give up hope and accept them for how they are. In other words, we forget that our God is a God of transformation and that, basically, the Creator made us to be creators.
As a people formed in the image of our creator, created in his likeness, we have the ability to re-construct this world and those things that the world has deemed weak and unacceptable. It’s not easy to stare depression and heartache in the face and tell it that it is something else when all five of our senses are saying otherwise but we have been given the ability to speak. Habakkuk 2:4 states that “the righteous will live by faith” and James 2:26 says that “faith without works is dead”. As children of God and as the redeemed of the Lord, it is our job to walk in complete faith in God and work the ground accordingly. We fix our expectations on the only constant, God the Father.
Honestly, it is a fight to fix our eyes and expectations on a God who can feel so far away at times. But fighting is an action verb; this means that it requires our action and our perseverance. We constantly speak life into situations that seem to be dead. We put our active faith in God (faith as an action) knowing that when we decide to believe His truth above all else, we are actively choosing to believe in Life over Death, and Life always wins.
Glad you've decided to share. This will truly be a joy to read. And that's one thing I always have loved about you homie. You can take the Word and give the people Practical Application. Praise God through whom all blessings flow man. He's truly swimming in your veins right now. Rain on us man.
Yes, sometimes the stirring of the nest is not comfortable at all.
Peace and blessings! Pat
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