
Friday, July 1, 2011

A Cracked Windshield of Faith

Life has been pretty packed lately. I’ve been pretty convicted to try and build community with believers and to pursue evangelistic outreach to the societal “outcasts”. Organizing events requires a ton of work and a ton of grace. I’ve also started writing songs/spoken word again and have even recorded a few. Church has been really amazing lately and God has been really using it to show me a greater portion of His glory. Everything has been pointing to him: the books I read for seminary (and there are a TON OF THEM!), conversations with friends and new believers, the people I meet… but then again… everything does point to him.

I was just laying around thinking about the day I was saved. For those of you who haven’t had a chance to check out the song (click here) is the spark notes version. Hopefully, when I finish the “documentary” you’ll get to hear the longer story. At any rate, I was thinking about when Christ saved and claimed me… I was thinking about what it meant to really serve him and on the day he saved me I asked for one stipulation: Lord don’t let me be a mediocre Christian. I wanted to burn with a passion for him that never faded and never ceased. Most importantly, I wanted to love him and not this world.

I’ve been reading A.W. Tozer’s The Pursuit of God and that coupled with my weekly dose of John Owen has got me thinking about what it means to have a true relationship with God. How can we be so passionless about this at times? Sadly, I fall occasionally fall into this complacency with the gospel. But how can we become numb to our souls being saved from eternal torment and well-deserved wrath? How can we interact with the lover of our souls without an overwhelming and passionate love for him?

I won’t belabor the point, I could but I won’t. If you’re reading this blog, I do encourage you to burn “white-hot”. It’s a term I hear in sports over and over again to describe someone who’s in the zone. They’re unhittable, on a scoring tear, or are simply destroying all competition. Be white-hot for Christ. Don’t settle for the trinkets of this world when you have the opportunity to experience the Glory of Christ… that phrase should mean something to you. Don’t sit around and wait for some spontaneous overflow of emotion but go out and pursue God. Read his word, serve his people, preach his gospel… make him the center of your life, catch flame, and radiate his beauty for the world to see.

1 comment:

ypsiknitti said...

What about the windshield? I couldn't log on for the song. Stand firm.