
Friday, August 7, 2009

Let There Be Light!

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Gen 1:1-3

At times life can be a struggle. Living a life of faith is often frustrating especially when worry and doubt begin to set in and it appears that the situations and circumstances of life will never change. You hear God’s promises, promises of peace and everlasting joy but currently, the promise feels so theoretical and idealistic. God seems to be millions of miles away and the cry for help seems to be going unheard. But take heart, for God has never left, can never leave and is still there in the storm. You just have to adjust your eyes.

I walked in my room one day this week and, it being around three o’clock in the morning began to stumble in the darkness as I searched for the light. I knew the lamp was there, but until I stopped and allowed my eyes to adjust, I couldn’t see it.

Before the earth was formed it appeared to be a purposeless and empty mass with no shape or design. Genesis uses the words formless, empty and dark to describe it, not exactly a very comforting place. Yet and still, the Spirit of God was still hovering in that “emptiness”. In other words, in the storm, in the darkness God was still there and as soon as He spoke His word, the darkness evaporated and light burst forth.

In our own lives we have the choice of deciding whether or not to see God in the storm. While hurt hurts… a lot… our Lord and savior told us that “lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the earth” (Matt 28:20). In other words, no matter what it looks like Jesus isn’t going anywhere. In our heartache and desolation, he yearns that we use his shoulder as one to cry on and that we trust in the goodness he has in store for us. In all honestly, every trial that we undergo are really just goodness in disguise. So proclaim the light that by faith we know is there. It may be difficult to discern the actual plan, but know that God has a purpose for it. Continue to press on for a voice will surely echo over the thundering clouds of depression and chase the darkness away.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Before I received the word of God through Christ, my life seemed purposeless and empty. But even before the Word was written, He knew the plans that he had for me. Plans for good. Amazing!